我们很遗憾听到你遇到问题。 不幸的是,我们不打算再更新3.7,所以如果你的问题是由于3.7中的错误造成的,我们无法修复它。 如果你还想让我们检查,能不能请你把一个只包含相关骨骼和约束的最小的Spine项目电邮给我们: contact@esotericsoftware.com
I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. I’m afraid that no longer we don’t plan to update 3.7, so we can not fix it if it is a bug of 3.7. If you still would like us to check it out, could you send us a minimal Spine project with only the relevant bones and constraints via email?: contact@esotericsoftware.com