Biscuits Hello! So my objective is to animate my dragon on a path constraint while having it's position fixed and only moving the path so it's constantly looping its flying movements. I've been having a hard time figuring this out. I found a video of another animator successfully attempting this, but have no clue how he managed to do so... here's the example: Can anyone please explain how this person did this, would be extremely helpful!
Misaki Hello! Hmm, the first thing that comes to mind is simply to move the path by the same amount that the constrained position is moved. I have attached a project I did based on that idea for now. I can see the difference of the position by displaying the ghost using the Ghosting view, and I made adjustments based on that. Sorry it's not a clever way at all, but if I come up with something later I'll share it with you.
Biscuits Thank you so much Misaki!! Oh man I didn't even bother thinking of putting a bone one the path constraint. Your explanation was exactly what I was looking for, I'm sure any further tips can help others in the long run like me 🙂
Misaki Oh, I'm glad that you found my simple solution helpful 🙂 However, I still have a feeling that there is another way to do something better, and I will post it here when I think of it.