• Runtimes
  • ERROR: Unknown texture filter true

Hey Nate,

Thank you for your answer! Well it seems that this version of Spine is not supported by the Spine plugin for Phaser 3. In Phaser's documentation is written that the plugin is supporting version 3.8.95. And I did the animation with the latest stable version of Spine, which is 4.0.19. I tried to downgrade the export to 3.8, with presumption that it will convert all the animation and alpha curves to linear, but it didn't work. I am attaching the atlas and the error after downgraded version of the export.
My concern here is am I supposed to rework the animation in older version or there is a way to implement it with the current one?

Thank you!

Related Discussions

There was a bug in the code that converts JSON to an older version, "rgba2" timelines were not getting changed to the old "twoColor" timeline. We've fixed this in 4.0.20 which will be available in a couple hours.

Great, I will try it out! But am I supposed to check the Legacy output mark in the export panel in that case?

You can, or you can pack your atlas with 3.8, since you will be exporting from 3.8 anyway.

I prefer to be able to use new features from 4.0 versions like graph editor and etc. But I guess I'll have to wait the guys from Phaser to update their plugin as well.

Thank you!

5 mois plus tard


photonstorm/phaser5972 ...I've asked in phaser's github and they said:
"This is correct as the Spine Runtimes we use are for Spine 3.

Someone had offered to fund the upgrade to Spine 4 but this has since fallen through, so there is no current timescale for when it will be done. The issue is that we will need to maintain both versions of the plugin in parallel (Spine 3 and 4) which doubles the amount of work required for even a simple fix 🙁"

So, for now the only workaround for Spine-4.x and Phaser-3.x is to activate the "legacy" checkbox in packer-settings... but, is it safe to do so?


The legacy export option is safe to use in Spine 4. I'll talk to Photon Storm about getting Spine 4 going (did a while ago, news to me that the funding for that fell through).

2 mois plus tard

I used legacy export but still got an error Uncaught Error: Invalid timeline type for a slot: rgba
Have you ever seen it?

That's a different issue. You are trying to load a skeleton exported with Spine 4.0 with the Spine Runtimes 3.8. You'll have to export your project from Spine Editor 3.8.

3 mois plus tard

I just wanted to let you know that I found this post after facing the same issue. It worked after selecting version 3.8 (instead of 4.0) when I exported the Spine project.

un an plus tard

In the latest version of Phaser3 it already has compatibility with Spine4.1, and also still has the old version Spine3, you just need to change the name of the spine folder when importing the plugin.

Na versão mais recente do Phaser3 já possui compatibilidade com Spine4.1, e também ainda possui a versão antiga Spine3, só precisas mudar o nome da pasta do spine na importação do plugin.

Spine3: import 'phaser/plugins/spine/dist/SpinePlugin';
Spine4: import 'phaser/plugins/spine4.1/dist/SpinePlugin';