• Editor
  • Speed up "SKIN" workflow ?

Hey 🙂 is it possible to make a script for instance that can make new skins just by search a name ? for example:

i have a charater with 3 parts:

i want to make another skin without gonig through the hassle of changing every part and making attachment skin (if i have character with 90 parts its kind of annoying)

i also have a skin png names

with just diffrent perfix.

is it possible to have a script that does this for you ? and make a skin called "pink" by duplicating "yellow" and changing it into pink skin?

or any trick or script that can speed up the workflow of changing skins setup

thanks :mmm: :mmm: :mmm: :hi: :love:

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Something is on the way to speed thing up. Maybe it will released today

Shiu a écrit

Something is on the way to speed thing up. Maybe it will released today

great news! thank you 🙂)

It is still early, but you can give the new feature a try. Select some items in the tree, then press ctrl + H. 🙂 Tomorrow I'll make it work on all items when there is no selection and try to find a place in the UI to stick a replace button.

(My shut-up-week will expire in Saturday so... I'm only whispering 😃)

first of all: AWESOME!!!

Second, Nate, ctrl + H hotkey is a default system shortcut for hiding active window in OS X.
Is there a way to disable ctrl+H system shortcut?

For example the ctrl+M is also system shortcut for minimising active window and it Spine it's overridden by spine hotkeys, ctrl+W is disabled too.... but I'm not sure if it's the same case...

I was trying to find a way to override it in spine with something else, but no success.
Normally its done in system prefferences, where you could change hotkeys for specific app for another hotkey representing an item from the top navigation bar
Here's the topic at forums: http://blog.remibergsma.com/2012/07/29/overriding-default-keyboard-shortcuts-in-mac-osx-mountain-lion/
1) when I have tried to select the Spine, it tells that I "cannot add shortcuts for Spine application". Also, Spine is not even in the list of apps, I had to press "Other..." and locate it.
2) Spine doesn't have the native navigation bar on top anyway, so I wouldnt be able to reassign it to something from there anyway.

I have also tried a workaround by using BetterTouchTool app http://www.boastr.de/
but it only allows to disable the shortcut completely.
Or to swap it for another shortcut, what is not good either.
Here's the topic on StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15719135/how-to-disable-keyboard-shortcuts-in-mac-os-x

It'll be available thru the UI somewhere. Probably easiest for you to map Replace to something other than ctrl + H for now and I'll change the default.

4 mois plus tard

Hey guys, the replace menu is awesome, but I feel like I'm overlooking how it would apply to this situation. If I wanted to create a bunch of skins by setting up a first skin and then duplicating it, all the skin placeholders don't get duplicated along with the new skin, the new skin simply also references the same skin placeholders. Because of this, I can't think of a way to use the replace tool to speed up the process of creating a lot of skins which reference different attachments. I feel like I'm focused on the wrong approach, and am missing some really obvious place where the tool could speed things up. Halp.

Aha, I just realized that since I can't have more than one skin active at a time in the editor, it might actually be duplicating all the attachments when I copy a skin, and I just didn't see any sign of it doing that since all the attachments from one skin disappear in the tree when the attachments from the other appear. I'll test this out, but I'll bet that's what I was missing! Sorry I violated this topic's eternal slumber for naught! :angel:

yep, that worked :p Kudos for Spine, weeks in and this is smoothest experience I've ever had with a third party tool. Spine truly does what it sets out to do.

5 jours plus tard

Sorry I'm late to the party, but glad you got it sorted! :party: