Hi there!
I've been using Spine2D to animate my game for quite a while now. Such an awesome tool! And the runtime for unity is really straightforward and easy.
I just figured out that in order to have an animation transition to another one seamlessly without any snapping, I have to key the same bones and meshes that were keyed at the end of the previous animation at the beginning of the second one. And when I found that out, I immediately went ahead and started keyframing all meshes and bones at the first second as empty keyframes to allow this transition to happen in Unity. And viola! All the animations blend very nice now.
But when I have the animation clean up tool on during export, it deletes all the empty keyframes, and in turn, that makes the transitions in the game have some snapping parts. Like, some parts of the animation would transition ok, but the rest would snap, and that is because the start empty keyframes were deleted.
I don't want to have to disable the Animation Clean Up tool, as it can delete "middle" empty keyframes that don't really serve any purpose. Is there a way to have the clean up exclude the first second?
Thank you in advance!