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  • [Feature Request] Display values in dopesheet + key buttons

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Hey guys! 🙂
I have another super-awesome-feature request.

I have recorded a video for this thing 😃

In text:

The problem in Spine I'm having now:

If I would like to see or/and change the value of an item in Dopesheet, now I must select it as first.
Plus I can see only one - the one I have selected.

And If I'd like to do more changes quickly, I have to go one by one. It takes time.

When I want to add keyframe, I have to select the item as first. Then press key button - the K shortcut doesn’t work if I didnt make any changes).

How this is solved in After Effects:

(this is better explained in the screencast on the top)
I can see the the value directly for all items.

You can modify easily every value directly.
Without having to select the item first.
You can simply click and modify it.

Also, you can use math.
If you have rotation 25’ and you just want to add 1 spin, you can just type “+360” and it will do the math for you. It dames a lot of time if the numbers are not nice.
The same with position or scale.

Also - when you edit rotation, in AE - the first number of rotation value means the number of spins.
If you type 5, it will go 5x360 degrees. This is very practical if you have something that rotates a lot.

And the keyframes - I can add keyframe immediately - without having to select the item first and click “Key” UI button.

So..... 😃 Here's the feature design for Spine proposal:

I have made a design proposal for you 😃
Two versions. Yohohoo.

Version 1 - the classic & simpler to implement
It fits the UI as it is now. Also using the input boxes you have already implemented. Nothing very new.
Slight modification of the key symbols.
If there is no keyframe - it’s gray.
If there is a change done but not saved - it’s oragne. Similarly to the way it is now.
If there is a saved keyframe - it’s red. Similarly to the way it is now.
The grey key indicating that there isn't a key looks more intuitive to me...
Plus when you click on the grey key, it will create a keyframe.
Also, ctrl + click on an item in dopesheet could add the item to selection. Like when you ctrl+click in the viewport.

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Version 2 - the turbo-version
It’s basically the same as version 1. But with ability to modify the number of spins for rotation and with degrees symbol.
Another difference - all the text which represents value is yellow. The text that represents just a text, but cannot be changed is white. So when you look at the interface - you can quickly see what you can modify and what you can’t.

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But back to the point, to conclude this…
It’s realy practical to be able to change the values and add keys directly in Dopesheet without hassle. Practical & quicker 🙂

Please don't kill me. Muahhahaha 😃 :rock: :handshake: :sleepy:

What do you think? 🙂

You video goes black for a while at the start and loses the audio periodically. At least for me, I have terrible internet at the moment, so it might be that. 🙁 Makes it a bit harder to follow along, but I think I get all of it.

K keys edited. L keys the transform for the current tool (SR or T). Ctrl+L keys all transforms (SRT) for the selected objects.

Timeline on top, your logic makes sense but is a pretty big change. Shiu might have some insight why it is on the bottom. It was a long time ago, I don't remember why we did it on the bottom.

Math, we have considered. It isn't high priority though.

Ctrl + click in dopesheet to add to selection is easy enough, will do. 🙂

Rotation spins, we discussed in your other thread:

Your proposals, version 1 isn't too bad. Version 2 isn't much different. It would come down to how Shiu wants it to look. Either one is a reasonable chunk or work as it complicates the dopesheet (which is already very complicated) and makes a lot of values that have to be kept up to date. It is doable, but there are a lot of other things that need to be done, so I wouldn't prioritize it very high. This is more a nicety for using the app, which is important, but less important for things that don't have any workaround and aren't possible without a fix or implementation. We will keep this in mind and address it when we get a chance.

Since you like to think about new features and you are good at thinking them through, describing them, and mocking them up, I should say that features that are easy to do are most likely to be done sooner. You won't always be a good judge of what is easy

sometimes things you may feel are complex are actually easy, and other times things you think are simple are mindshatteringly difficult. Either way, if I can make small adjustments to make everyone's life easier, great! Unfortunately if it is much more difficult then I doubt it will see fruition any time soon. We have a lot planned and there is tons to do for a single coder. Adding new features takes time away from those plans. One of the hardest things in managing a software project is feature and scope creep. We want to add all these things and given enough time we will, but without structure and order to how we go about it, it is easy to end up with a mess of loose ends where nothing works quite like it should. :happy:

Oh, sorry about that video. Thanks for the explanation of the keying shortcuts! This helped a lot 😃

I completely understand the way you develop and your approach to feature request. I'm a big fan of lean startup too.
Yes, I tend to write stuff like "simple to implement" sometimes, and it's not that easy in most cases 😃 sorry for that.
And don't worry, I wasn't expecting that you would implement this the next day or soon.
Some stuff I post maybe will be implemented, some wont.

I'll keep posting if something comes to my mind. If not implemented, at least you'll know another users way of thinking.

If there will be some time in future - or you'll get a billion dollar funding - one of the thousand coders will maybe implement this... so - it's posted here 😃

You're doing an awesome stuff guys!!!

Love this idea! It makes the eye- and mouse- journey shorter and makes the values you want visible with fewer clicks.

I will celebrate the day this gets implemented.

It's like that day Nate introduced a bunch of new hotkeys. 😃

And also keyable draw order.

I guess I can look into improving the visuals a bit. As for key colors they would be.
gray = no key on the entire timeline for the selected item.
green = key is set on the selected item, but not on the current frame.
orange = there is a key on the item (not necessarily on the current frame) and the value has changed.
red = a key is set on the current frame.
Icons won't be changed.

Timeline above the dopesheet, we could make a row above the top element in the dopesheet a bit similar to the timeline above and allow you to scrub there, will see if I can make something that works.

Orange text instead of the current white for values that can be changed. I like this and will change the skin to have that.

Values in the dopesheet. For me it's not a problem, but like Nate said it's not trivial code wise.

Rotation with a multiplier is not a bad idea. I don't personally see a problem in just typing in 20x360+180 and then displaying the final value upon pressing enter.

@Adam, no worries, I don't mind you guessing at what is easy. I just wanted to mention that easy to implement stuff gets done waaay sooner, mostly in the hope you'd stop suggesting all this damned hard to implement stuff. 😉 😃

Note you can click anywhere in the dopesheet (blank spot or a key) to move the current frame. This isn't scrubbing, but it is better than moving the mouse to the bottom. Maybe we could use alt + drag for scrubbing anywhere, but there is currently a problem with alt on Windows (eg press and release alt, notice how mouse overs don't work until you click). I doubt I will like having a spot about the timeline to drag. Actually it isn't that hard to move, will discuss with Shiu.

@Nate well, life is a challenge 😃 It can't be easy to make the best animation software ever 8)

@Pharan @Shiu Wohooo! Lets gang up! 😃 😃 😃

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@Adam. I'll bring the beer. (you were talking about the celebration, right?)

@Pharan yeah ofc 🙂 All right I'll bring some home made Hruškovica, Slivovica or Calvados. Somebody could some steaks and we're set 😃

Haha, I'll work a puppy into Spine at some point. Maybe a dinosaur too! 🙂

You guys might want to give 1.6.23 a try in about 20 minutes when it is done uploading... :o

Wooooot 🙂 :beer: :sun:
It's like... like... like... so awesome!!! 😃 :handshake:
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1.6.24 fixes a few issues with it (eg vertical scrollbar showing when collapsed). Note how it has to shift the toolbar above the timeline when opening/closing

fancypants! I think that is the reason we initially went with it on the bottom, it was easier to open/close. Other complexities where how to keep the horizontal scrollbar that appears when keys don't all fit in the window horizontally. I think it is good, I just need to get used to not mousing to the bottom left corner for play. :p

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Personally, I just use the keyboard shortcuts for playback. But not everyone does, I'm sure.

If there was a shortcut for switching between Animate and Setup mode, I'd use that too. 😃

Great! 🙂
Yeah, I use shortcuts too... nearly for everything, it saves so much time

un mois plus tard

Somebody ban this guy!

oh wait 😉

What is "50" next to color?

Opacity in %.

3 ans plus tard

me too this feature is important... can it will add feature?

dopesheet opacity