Thanks a TON for laying the ground work here ngomes, and for having the foresight to factor the code in a way where other runtimes could plugin (seriously awesome).
I went ahead and rolled some prelim support for 2D Toolkit today. Available in this gist here:
Running here (actual runtime is a lot smoother, jing FPS capture sucks):
This is a single spine exported rig with two skins - the assets for each are sourced from separate tk2d texture atlases.
I made a few tiny modifications to the base controller to allow for changing anims and setting a default anim. Also had to modify tk2d slightly to get rig scaling and direction to work properly (arguably something that should be in tk2d to begin with).
One thing I noticed - and this is likely true of Orthello (and perhaps any unity development) is the draw calls spike immensely when the skeletons are drawn on the same Z layer. This is because individual bones begin Z-fighting and batching is broken, causing a draw call per bone instead of a draw call per utilized texture atlas. Make sure to give your skeletons enough Z breathing room or your draw calls will get hosed.