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Editor is lagging.
Yesterday i turned PC to sleep mode and then Spine starts lagging very hard.
0-0.5 FPS.
Reinstall helps once. But today even reinstallation not help.
It happens only with specific Spine file. But when is start lags - every version of this file start lags. Even that created and saved a week ago.
(can't attach MP4 because no permissions)
Sometimes it fully stop. And then after killing process and launch - it stop lags. For a short time (min or two)
It stop lagging when i hide skeleton.
So i dublicate it and delete the old.
It helps but i don't know how long.
Hello, the metrics hint at a very simple file that should not cause such problems in Spine.
Where is your file saved? Do you have an images or audio folder with thousands of elements possibly inside?
What version of Spine are you using? And what are your computer spects? (you should be able to find these in the Spine log)
Could you check if you log shows something when this happens?
Settings - Spine User Guide: Log
I attached Spine log. All in.
It's just happens. Nothing in logs.
Fixed when i copy skeleton and delete it. I hope permanently. Will know after PC reboot.
Could you please send us the problematic project at contact@esotericsoftware.com?
At this moment i cant. =( NDA.
I will ask my employer how i can do this.
And one more: it happens only on my PC.
Maybe Spine have other logs? Or debug version?
We've not seen such a problem before with lag for a relatively simple project. The first thing I'd suggest is to make sure you graphics drivers are up to date. Also check your CPU usage, maybe something else is taking most of the CPU? Even then Spine should get more then 0.5-1 FPS!
That's the problem =(
CPU usage like 1-3%. Drivers up to date.
After reboot PC it's OK (but has some lags when project opens).
Maybe some HDD sectors was corrupted and skeleton copying fixed it.
But it's strange: even old file version which placed to different disk was lagged too.
But i think that fix will enough for work. Thank you.
I'm sorry that I cannot be helpful for solving this problem in the future. The logs are empty, and bug repeat only locally.
I hope nobody else will face it.)
Have a nice day!