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How can I animate a more complex model in Spine ?
I would like to make a hand's animation which is a more complex shape, is it possible to make an animation from different views as in a 3d software ? Example attached.
Hello! it sure is possible to add multiple views to your models, here are a couple of tutorials to achieve this:
Blog: Mesh binding tutorial <- explains how to add alternate views
Blog: Rotating diamond tutorial <- explains how to make geometric shapes rotate by 360°
Spine: Twitch: video WVLZCfitpdE <- shows how to add multiple directions to a character
And they all include downloads!
Now, speaking of your example image, you need to have the hand as seen also from other perspectives cause just this frontal perspective view is not going to be enough: as soon as the hand turns it's going to have a hole in it!
It may also be useful to separate the hand from the arm and fingers. What movement were you planning for it precisely?
Thanks for the reply! I would like the palm of the hand to open in front of me.
For that you'd need the fingers to be separate so that they're easier to animate, and a version of the fingers in their final position. You can then transiotion form one image to another mid-animation.
Here's a thread with examples by warmanw:
[Editor][Video] Transition between Images
Thank you for the Tutorials Erika! And sorry for my late respond.