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  • 官方可否支持解决一下WARNING: Removed timeline (flip Y no longer suppor

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拥有大量低版本的spine文件,打开后太多的WARNING: Removed timeline (flip Y no longer supported)报错,官方能否出一个插件,自动修复一下这个问题,给有翻转的骨骼进行自动修复添加-1,解决掉这个问题。艺术家一个个翻转工作量是巨大的,每一帧都需要手动翻转。


Sorry you are having trouble. As you found, the way scaling and flipping works changed in v3, described here:
抱歉,您遇到了麻烦。 如您所见,缩放和翻转的工作方式在v3中发生了变化,如下所述:
Blog: Spine 3.0.00 released

This isn't something Spine can fix automatically because the way scaling and flipping used to work is not the same as scaling a bone using -1. Unfortunately the only way to fix it is to rework the animations manually. 🙁
这不是Spine可以自动修复的,因为缩放和翻转的工作方式与使用-1缩放骨骼不同。 不幸的是,修复它的唯一方法是手动重新制作动画。 🙁

Note this is the only time we have ever made such a large breaking change. I know it is very inconvenient for old projects, but we felt it had to be done because the new way is so much better.
请注意,这是我们唯一一次进行如此重大的更改。 我知道这对旧项目很不方便,但我们认为必须这样做,因为新方法要好得多。