It's not so consistent that I get a freeze every time I do a fixed number of steps, but some performance degradation is definitely happening after some time, yes.
I'll work a bit more today and see if I can provide a better troubleshooting starting point. Thanks!
Edit: I have these metrics right now, btw.
Edit 2: I'm having consistent freezes now.
They don't happen at any point in particular, but every time I select something I have good chances of Spine freezing.
I also have telltale signs that it's going to happen because I experience "mini-freezes" of one second, prior to the final freeze.
Here's a video of my last session.
You will see me scrolling the viewport sometimes, checking if I have lagging or not. This session in particular wasn't so bad (which is even more worrying), because only at 3:05 you can see a big delay, apart from the others you won't notice because they happened when selecting something on the Hierarchy.
You can also see I have Automatic Backup disabled, to not mistake auto-saving delays with the ones I'm experiencing.
The final freeze happens when I'm creating a root bone for the next hairstyle.
As you see, I'm creating a lot of bones for each hairstyle, which are parented to a central Hair_Root bone. Then I assign each hairstyle bones to their 31 color skins for each style. Dunno if this structure is too much to handle for Spine.
I guess I could spam save every time I do something, but this is approaching a state in which I'm worried I won't be able to work on the project anymore. :rolleyes:
Also, I've opened the project with version 3.8.95, and I've got the same problems. For a moment I thought it was going to be fine, but then I the delays started and I've got a freeze creating a bone on the Viewport.
I'll private message you with a link to my full project.
Edit 3: I've just figured out how to cause the freeze in seconds!
A video is better than a thousand images and a million words...:
As you see, Spine starts at about 200MB+ of RAM used but ramps up very fast when switching hair skins, up to 1.1GB, which is the limit if I'm not mistaken.
The funny thing is those images are not imported at PS canvas size, so they're not so huge in size.
I also think that memory use only happens when you actually click on the skin name, not when you enable them with the "pin". Isn't that weird?