如果您可以在浏览器中访问esotericsoftware.com,则服务器肯定已启动。 该站点还可用于验证服务器是否启动。 如果是这样,则问题很可能出在您的计算机或网络配置上。
服务器位于日本和欧洲。 如果您位于中国或与服务器的互联网连接速度非常慢,则可能只需要尝试多次或稍后再试。
Proxy Server - Spine User Guide
Support: Why can%27t Spine contact the update server%3F
Please make sure you don't have any firewall or virus protection software blocking Spine from connecting to the server.
The server is definitely up if you can reach esotericsoftware.com in a browser. This site may also be useful to verify the server is up. If it is, the problem is very likely to be with your computer or network configuration.
If you are behind a proxy, Spine can be configured to use your proxy server.
The servers are located in Japan and Europe. If you are located in China or your internet connection to the servers is very slow, you may just need to try multiple times or try again later.