We are evaluvating if we can use Spine in our project with our current ThreeJS R110 setup.
We are getting errors when using spline:
three.js:48809 THREE.InterleavedBuffer: .length has been deprecated. Use .usage instead.
three.js:48719 THREE.BufferGeometry: .addAttribute() has been renamed to .setAttribute().
these are jus deprecated and should work.
but we also get:
WebGL: INVALID_ENUM: bufferData: invalid usage
WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: bufferSubData: buffer overflow
and this stops the rendering.
We really don't know what is causing this, but it only happens when we add the Spine to our scene.
any help?
PS: We are using the Spine 3.6 from the demo "raptor" on your site with ThreeJS R110 to get this error.
If we use Spine 3.8 we get another kind of error "Skin not found: default", but the json file does have a "default", so!?!?