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  • Need more zoom out

Hi! Need more zoom out . I work with high resolution and can't normaly zoom out as I want.(( I guess in new version it not work ok before I think in previous version I could do zoom out more.

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If you increase Bone scale in Spine's settings you will be able to zoom out more.

Note you can use one size of images in Spine and another (larger or smaller) at runtime.

What resolution are you using? It isn't recommended to use absolutely massive images in Spine. It can work fine if your graphics hardware can handle it, but it is unnecessary. Also you may have problems trying to export images or video because your graphics hardware may be able to handle individual large images, but may not be able to export 10000x10000 images or video.

I also was dealing with some huge skeletons and animations these days (our bad at the company, but we realized it too late), and having a limit to the minimum zoom level was hindering us from seeing the movement completely without having to pan.

We applied the bone scale setting, that also fixed the minimum zoom level, but I think that it's a bit unintuitive to get there to solve the minimum zoom thing. I know it would be enough to read the whole description of the setting, but still it seems something that does two tasks while I'm just wanting to do one. :grinfake

It would be cool to have a separate setting, that simply lets me decide the min and max zoom level, no matter the bone scale (and maybe have an already wider spectrum by default). I raise the problem because there are cases where the object I'm animating has large PNGs (not optimised, but I like Spine also because even if you're a dumb user, it lets you mess around anyway), but also cases where the object is actually small but has to make wide movements all over the scenario.

About the bone scale setting, it's a nice thing, but could it be even nicer to have also a bone-specific parameter for it, so that some bones can be long and thin, while others can be short and fat. These could probably make the already existing bone scaling setting useless, or maybe not :think:
Anyway, that could help the animator imo, for example by reminding him immediately the weight he wants to apply among the various animations to that particular bone (think about a very heavy sword compared to a wooden stick of the same length).

+1 ! Agree with Fabiano. Thx for "bone scale" it helped for now. Now I am working with 2k anim (2000x3000) I used to work in 0 bone scale to have them on minimum visibilty)

2 ans plus tard


I've found myself reaching the limits of the zoom often. Not because I'm working with higher resolution than 1080p, but because some images are outside the bounds of the 'renderview' and need to move in. Or at the moment a huge world that's rotating around, where only part of the image is visible at the time.
Please add a way to zoom out more, at least with the mouse!