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Exporting sub-set of animations using folders
I love the addition of folders in 3.8, and was wondering if it is possible to use them to export specific animations from the JSON exporter?
For context, we have a character that appears across multiple games and want to be able to export a sub-set of animations tailored to each game.
It sounds like folders could be good for this, kind of like how the Movie exporter works but with a dropdown to select a folder instead of single animations.
Or allow the 'Options/Export' checkbox to appear on a folder basis rather than just single animations.
Or maybe there's a command-line method, or something else that would work for us?
There currently isn't a way to export only a subset of animations. We made add that in the future, but we don't have short term plans for it. You could pretty easily write a script that removes animations from the JSON data though. Eg, the JsonRollback tool manipulates skeleton JSON:
spine-runtimes/JsonRollback.java at 3.8
You would just need the couple lines of loading code, then something like:
delete(root, "animations", "hello*");
That would delete all animations whose named starts with hello
. Of course you don't have to use Java, you could use any programming language that can parse JSON.
Ok, thanks for that - gives me somewhere to start!