thinkcitric Hey everyone! It's been 6 months since I've started to learn 2D animation from zero. :scared: :shh: Frankly speaking, I thought it's going to be much easier than it turned out. I've realized that my first attempts were not as good as I wanted them to be, but everybody needs to start somewhere. I'm very excited to reach a new level now, though there are still a lot of things to learn. :think: The animations will be used in my first 2D platform game. There's always a room for improvement, and I will continue to practice until I become a better animator and a game developer. If you have any suggestions how can I make it look even better - please tell me how!
Nate It's really cool to see your progress, thanks for sharing! I think the biggest improvement you can make to your looping animations is by using key offset. Also check out this tip (and the other tips there too!): Spine: Tips: 27 offset Ideally you don't want a viewer to be able to spot where the animation loops. When everything moves and then everything moves back to the same position at the same time, then it's obvious where it loops. Key offset lets you shifts keys and wrapping them while you do, so you can essentially have different movements of your animation looping at different times.
thinkcitric Thanks Nate! :handshake: I know about offset and started to use it recently, but I've never thought to offset child bones as well. Noted! 🙂
atuand1609 I think you should make the eye blink. It's will make your animations smoother and more professional. Btw, your progress looks great!