Thanks a lot Nate

- 3 déc. 2013
- Inscrit 22 mai 2013
Thanks for all your help, almost everything is clear now.
Only one last thing - will the mix persist even after I play (add) an animation?
So, I could create all the mixes when initialising my class, and then only play with "add" and "set" animation?Or will the mix "disappear" after I will add and play the animation?
NickYes, I have seen the C runtime, however it is really unclear.
Please, try to explain it a little bit, because as it is right now, it looks like you're the only one who can understand the code.What is the difference between setAnimation:loop: and setAnimation:loop:forState: (and similar in all other functions)? What does the last parameter do? What would happen if I put 1 instead of 0 (default) into the state index?
And how do I switch between the animation states?
Ok, I think I understand,
One last thing - what is the AnimationState convenience class and how to use it?I didn't want to be rude or disrespectful by writing that there is no documentation.
I was just a little bit confused. Thanks for making it more clearSo, two last questions:
Mixing animations only changes pose and doesn't play any animation, right?So the I should call it like this - play animation (looping, walk), then mix (walk–>jump), then play animation (jump), then mix again (jump–>walk) and play the animation again (walk, looping). Is that right? Or I should mix all the animation "transition" at the beginning (or between each animation change)?
Thanks and keep up with this great work!
Nick- Modifié
we're looking forward to use Spine in our next game and I've just started working with it in cocos2d.
Everything works pretty fine, however, there is one thing that is a little bit unclear.It's mixing. What does it really do? Does it takes frames from the end of one animation and frames from the beginning of other one from the specified time converted to frames and then it blends those animations together?
Also, one thing would be good to know - when to clear animations?
There is absolutely no documentation on the cocos2d runtime at this time (or at least I haven't found any) and there is a lot of stuff that might be confusing for some developers.
I would love to write the documentation, if I knew how the spine runtime is actually working and what is actually happening.