
  • il y a 13 jours
  • Inscrit 16 févr. 2023

    I'm familiar with SDF for fonts. I had not seen the morphing before (example), that's neat!

    Using SDF for Spine attachments is an interesting idea. It has smaller file sizes and could allow more scaling without loss of quality, though with a loss of detail. There's some trickiness to getting it setup in the editor with the right images. At runtime it's mainly just a matter of using the right shader with SDF images. That could be done even without editor support. Possibly you could use regular images in the editor and SDF images at runtime.

    We'll keep this feature in mind, thanks! The first steps would be to create a proof of concept, probably by taking a regular skeleton, changing some images to SDF, and rendering it with an SDF shader. Once that works well we would consider how to integrate it into the editor.

  • Erika, thank you for dropping a comment. Yes, it's interesting how approach we approached the same problem differently.

    Misaki, thank you for the link. It will definitely help me progress my goal.

    Alright, the moment of truth. I have done the die skeleton almost a year ago but haven't shared it until recently. Since I have sparked interest in both of you, more fake 3D animations :rock: !

    UV Checker Map:

    Cross section video:

    New texture:

    Animated texture: