
  • 26 nov. 2021
  • Inscrit 21 nov. 2020
  • Hi!

    Can I request a deletion of this thread if that is ok?

    Spine 3.7.93

  • kelin a écrit

    Thanks guys, the video answered my questions. This forum is pretty friendly!

    It is 🙂 best forum I stumbled on so far, and I browsed quite a few

  • Wish more people were like you guys, haha. Have a nice day Nate!

  • Ohh, so we get - 3, or you guys are the one losing on it?

  • Nate a écrit

    Sorry! 🙁

    The Skeleton Viewer source code is here:
    It could be modified to render with a green background, or to write a PNG, but would require programming with Java and libgdx.

    It's okay! Will take a look at source code and see what I can manage :rofl: Is compiling it just like with any other java program?

    And one question left, does one get refunded the full balance? Like if I were to use it for 2 or 3 weeks, found out its not for me and refunded? In my case it was just 1 day though, but just curious :lol:

  • Thanks for answering so many of my questions, I really appreciate every kind of answer you've given me, Nate.

  • I attacked the character in the attachment so you can maybe take a look? I tried some ways to export but it wont let me

  • And images can be found here

  • I will buy a license nevertheless! Got the money now, so kinda excited. 😃

  • I made the background transparent. I want to try and get this to work before I buy a license, so I can guarantee myself it will work. 🙂

  • I'm not sure how that is gonna work with my little free time, but I'll see if I can find a way.

  • Hello!

    I want to add, if the .js and .css is the only files needed, I assume a license wont be needed to display the sprites on the web?

  • Misaki a écrit

    Wow, thank you for your message, I'm glad to hear that 😃
    I’m sorry that you can’t buy the Spine license now, but I hope you can buy it in the future.

    Arigatou! 😉

    Hehe, it is no problem <3 Once I graduate in a year, I'll be sure to come back 😃

    Hope you have a great day Misaki <3

    Sayonara ~

  • Nate a écrit

    Note that you haven't described the problem you are having. What is your goal? What do you mean that your project is not working without 3.7.94?

    The runtimes are here:
    Docs are here:
    Spine Runtimes Guide

    Hey Nate!

    My problem is that I can't open my project files on any spine version other than 3.7.93, and was wondering if there was a build for that version (trial), I don't mind if I can't export the data. I really, really, really want to open my files, and have been digging for the past 7 hours on this forum for maybe a file with the 3.7.93 version. I just can't find so I ended up making a post.

    Wouldn't have to go through this if I was a bit better off financially. Anyway, that's my problem! Will I be able to open my files with the 3.7.93 runtime? I made a post on github, but I got redirected to here, so I'm kinda in a pickle.

  • You do a really good job, and hope you enjoy being in Spine! 🙂

    Ganbatte! ~

  • Nate a écrit

    Great, thanks for verifying! Sorry, I forgot there is a delay after releasing for the files to propagate to the various servers.

    Sorry for the necro, I just wanted to say no problem, happy to help! 🙂

  • Nate a écrit

    I'm afraid there's no way to run older betas. It wouldn't help anyway, since you can't save or export.

    With a Spine license you can run 3.7.94, import the data, save a project file, and open that project file with any newer version, such as 4.0.

    You can use the 3.7 Spine Runtimes (all older runtimes are available via Git tags on GitHub) to experiment with Spine, but please note that to publish software containing the Spine Runtimes, you do need a Spine license. Spine Essential is sufficient for that.

    Spine is amazing, that is without a doubt. There is also no doubt I'd buy a license, but considering I'm a student in University, and I do this in my free time, I don't have the finances to afford one (maybe if it was 20 bucks, but this software is not worth this low). This is, of course, my problem and by no means yours.

    Since all hope seem lost, I will try this runtime you speak of, on github. Would you be kind to tell me what I could do from now?
    Thanks so much Nate.

  • I am a bit late, but welcome Misaki!! <3

  • Sorry if I was not clear enough, no sadly I don't have a license so I can't go back to 3.7.94, no matter how much I wanted to. Do you have any idea on how I could? If not, what could I do from here on? Do I have no other choice but to give up? I would definitely buy a license if I could afford, but sadly that is not the case. I'm a student, learning Unity and the spine unity package from Trial.

    If you have any ideas what I could possibly do, that would be greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards,

    One last note, is there perhaps anywhere I can instead use a trial version of 3.7.94, or is that just a dream? Like a way to use this version.

    I regret upgrading my OS, needless to say. Anyway, thanks so much for your detailed help Misaki, it was amazingly detailed.