• Bugs
  • Can't open more than one Spine file at once!

Please help me to solve this problem!

After the update to version 3.0 and even then back to the previous version there is no more possibility to open more than one Spine file at once! Now if you open any Spine file, the previous file (you were working with) just gets shut! Will you fix this? I really need to open several files simultaneously while animating and switch between them (that I used to do before the update and it was really comfortable for me)
Thanks in advance.

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Go to Settings...
and make sure the Resuse Instance checkbox is unchecked.

The update resets a bunch of preferences from the previous version so that may have been why that checkbox changed (if it did).
If the behavior is still the same with the checkbox unchecked, let us know!

Thank you for answering me. But for sure first thing I did is to check all settings and the problem is that I didn't find such checkbox. I am working in Spine version 2.1.27
Could you please send me a screenshot where to find that checkbox?

Unfortunately Reuse Instance is not available on Mac, due to some complexity with how opening files works there. As a workaround you can open Terminal and run this command:

open -n -a /Applications/Spine/Spine.app

This will open a second Spine instance. -n means to open a new instance. -a followed be a file path is used to specify which application to open.

Did you know you can have multiple skeletons in one project? Depending on your use cases, that may be even more convenient. You can use Import Project to bring in skeletons from other projects.

Thanks for this tip how to open multiple files at ones, it's really handy.
I've found out this option to store numerous of skeletons in one spine file and use it alot but i really wondering will I ever have possibility to move parts of one my skeleton hierarchy to another skeleton?

5 jours plus tard

Thank you Nate for your assitance!

Thanks for this tip how to open multiple files at ones, it's really handy.
I've found out this option to store numerous of skeletons in one spine file and use it alot but i really wondering will I ever have possibility to move parts of one my skeleton hierarchy to another skeleton? -

This is also a good question about skeleton hierarchy by the way.

verymaryland a écrit

Thank you Nate for your assitance!

Thanks for this tip how to open multiple files at ones, it's really handy.
I've found out this option to store numerous of skeletons in one spine file and use it alot but i really wondering will I ever have possibility to move parts of one my skeleton hierarchy to another skeleton? -

This is also a good question about skeleton hierarchy by the way.

Skeleton Merger Tool

Skeleton Merger Tool - it is awesome! Thank you for your help.
Alas! I am not a PC user 🙂

2 ans plus tard
Nate a écrit

Unfortunately Reuse Instance is not available on Mac, due to some complexity with how opening files works there. As a workaround you can open Terminal and run this command:

open -n -a /Applications/Spine/Spine.app

This will open a second Spine instance. -n means to open a new instance. -a followed be a file path is used to specify which application to open.

Did you know you can have multiple skeletons in one project? Depending on your use cases, that may be even more convenient. You can use Import Project to bring in skeletons from other projects.

Hi, a quick question: is this still so? I always worked in Spine on Windows before and can't seem to find the option on Mac

5 mois plus tard
Pharan a écrit

Go to Settings...
and make sure the Resuse Instance checkbox is unchecked.

The update resets a bunch of preferences from the previous version so that may have been why that checkbox changed (if it did).
If the behavior is still the same with the checkbox unchecked, let us know!

I'm using 3.7.16 beta professional and the behavior is the same even after unchecking the Reuse Instance checkbox :S

pnkjfreak, it works for me on Windows 10. What OS are you using? Did you make sure to save your Spine settings after checking Reuse instance?

4 mois plus tard
Nate a écrit

pnkjfreak, it works for me on Windows 10. What OS are you using? Did you make sure to save your Spine settings after checking Reuse instance?

Hi Nate.
Windows 10 here and using Spine 3.6.53 pro. I have unchecked the reuse instance box and still can't have open more than one files at once. Any help? Thanks

Hi Kner, I have your same specs and it works for me by double clicking on a project icon, by clicking on the spine icon, or also by right clicking the Spine icon on the taskbar, then choosing to open Spine from the dropdown menu. How are you doing it?

Hi Erikari,
Seems I was only trying to "open project" within an already existing project.
Works perfectly with all the ways you mentioned! thanks!