• EditorBugs
  • Visual bug with light itens

I'm not sure why this is happening but rays of light or the torch glow became dark after exporting a json, even in the atlas its already dark, specially in zones with transparency (instead of the glow fading to transparent, it fades to black). Inside spine it's good. Does anyone know how to solve this? Is there some pack settings I should change?

I usually like to make character with no contour lines so it's easier to rigg, but for some reason, when exported, even in atlas, it generates a sort of "dark outer glow", and you can see exactly where one assets ends and another begins. Does anyone know how to solve this? Is there some pack settings I should change?

Related Discussions
  1. The issue with the light rays or torch glow becoming dark after exporting could be related to the premultiplied alpha setting. When exporting your atlas, ensure that the premultiplied alpha setting matches the settings in your runtime. If the atlas is exported with premultiplied alpha, but your runtime does not support it, it can cause the transparency to appear incorrectly. You can either re-export the atlas without premultiplied alpha or enable premultiplied alpha in your runtime. More information on this can be found in the Texture Packing - Spine User Guide: Output.

  2. The "dark outer glow" issue when exporting characters without contour lines might be due to the alpha settings or the way the texture packer handles transparency. Ensure that the "Alpha is Transparency" parameter is disabled if you are using premultiplied alpha. Additionally, check your texture packer settings to ensure that there is no padding or whitespace stripping that could be causing the issue. You can find more details on configuring these settings in the Texture Packing - Spine User Guide: Settings.

Here are the relevant links for more detailed information:

Example of Texture Packer Settings

    Thank you so much for the (very quick) reply

    Both problems originated from "premultiplied alpha".
    I hardly ever need to change pack settings so this was a big help!
