• Runtimes
  • Official Ren'Py runtime

Hello Everyone!

Firt time posting on this forum, although I have been using the software for over a year now.
This is more of a Request to get a runtime to have Spine work with the open software "Ren'py". Recently Live2D got official runtime support for it and wondering if we can get a runtime for spine as well?

Thanks in advanced,

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2 ans plus tard

Any update on this?

I'm afraid not. We are currently working on getting our Spine 4.2 release out the door (fingers crossed for this week!) after which we can focus our resources on getting new runtimes up and running.

    2 mois plus tard

    Mario love the new physics update! love to see if there would every be a runtime for renpy as its both opensource and the biggest visual novel engine which would be perfect for 2d animations.