• Editor
  • Spine Web Player

And images can be found here

Those are only warnings. Your data was exported without nonessential data, so Spine has to make some guesses when importing it:
Import - Spine User Guide: Nonessential data

I don't see any attachments on your skeleton. Maybe you need to show a skin?

I attacked the character in the attachment so you can maybe take a look? I tried some ways to export but it wont let me

Ah, if your skeletons are using Spine Professional features (like meshes) then they can't be exported with Essential. I didn't know what features your skeletons use, but sorry I didn't consider that possibility earlier.

Though I understand budget is a concern, you can upgrade to Professional any time for the difference in cost from your Spine license page. If you'd prefer a refund that is no problem, in that case please email us: contact@esotericsoftware.com

Thanks for answering so many of my questions, I really appreciate every kind of answer you've given me, Nate.

Nate a écrit

Sorry! 🙁

The Skeleton Viewer source code is here:
It could be modified to render with a green background, or to write a PNG, but would require programming with Java and libgdx.

It's okay! Will take a look at source code and see what I can manage :rofl: Is compiling it just like with any other java program?

And one question left, does one get refunded the full balance? Like if I were to use it for 2 or 3 weeks, found out its not for me and refunded? In my case it was just 1 day though, but just curious :lol:

Yep, it's normal Java development, though using the libgdx library (which Spine is built with).

Yep, the refund is for the full amount. You get the full amount back, but we have to pay a fee. For an Essential refund we are charged ~$3.

Ohh, so we get - 3, or you guys are the one losing on it?

We lose on a refund. It's OK though, if someone finds out they really don't want Spine, they shouldn't have to pay. We should make a better product so no one wants a refund. 😉 In your case, I should have thought to mention that Essential can't export meshes.

Wish more people were like you guys, haha. Have a nice day Nate!

Nate a écrit
Sorwidir a écrit

So the reason the Skeleton Viewer can see my characters is because it has support to view binary files (.skel)?


Sorwidir a écrit

And once I buy the license, you recommend me to import the characters then export with 4.0?

Yes, then you can 1) use the 4.0 web player, and 2) edit your skeletons in the Spine editor, if you unpack the atlases.

Sorwidir a écrit

But if I remember correctly, Misaki had to export the atlas, wont I have to manually assign textures to every part of the character?

There is no manually assigning textures in Spine. Spine uses naming conventions to find image files:
Images - Spine User Guide: Image file lookup

You need individual image files for the Spine editor to show your images. If all you have is an atlas, you need to unpack it:
Texture packing - Spine User Guide: Texture Unpacker

Sorwidir a écrit

So with over 100 characters, it will take a long time? Or is this process also possible to "automate" with this CLI you speak of?

You can write scripts to do the steps. For example:

spine -u 3.7.94 -i old-data.skel -o new-project.spine 


spine -u 4.0.xx -i new-project.spine -o path/to/output/folder 


export binary

This runs 3.7.94, imports a binary file and saves a project file. Then it runs the latest 4.0 and exports the project file, giving you a binary file for each skeleton in the project.

You can also unpack an atlas:

spine -i path/to/atlas/images -o path/to/output/folder 


unpack path/to/your-atlas.atlas
Sorwidir a écrit

I will buy a license nevertheless! Got the money now, so kinda excited.

Great! Welcome to Spine! 🙂

borrowing this thread hope its ok

spine -u 3.7.94 -i old-data.skel -o new-project.spine


how to support batch?

spine -u 3.7.94 -i *.skel -o what to type here?.spine

import eg
spine -u 3.7.94 -i *.skel -o new-project.spine

import <

will not work because it will keep overwriting project.spine

maybe *.skel wont work either, how to use this for batch files?