Hello again everybody! The first video will probably be published around the end of August/beginning of September. I aim to publish one video per month. I will start by covering the basics of the animation, so if you are more advanced, don't worry, you can still learn a lot. Try to do the exercises, they will definitely benefit you to become a better animator. They are short, fun, and designed to get better and more proficient in animation and Spine. Looking forward to hearing your opinion when we start publishing them!
Hello everybody! Just to let you know that the videos are a bit delayed. As you know we are working on the new Graph view which will be a full curve editor in Spine 4.0 release. I can just tell you your animations will level up! With this change, I decided to re-record the lessons so we can have an intro into a new feature! Stick around a little longer! Thanks for the wait, and sorry....but it will be worth it, the graph is amazing!