• Runtimes
  • Unity problem with namespace name "Spine"

I got this error showing when I try to run my project, it worked fine before. Probably has to do with a updated Unity version. Anyways, I have downloaded the latest runtimes but this did not do much good. I got stuck.

My version of Unity is 2018.2.1f1

Anyone know what this is about?

"Assets/Spine/Editor/spine-unity/Modules/Timeline/Editor/SpineAnimationStateDrawer.cs(3,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `Spine' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?"

Cheers and thanks!

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Based on your folder structure, I assume this is Spine-Unity for 3.7?

I think you should find and delete all your Spine-related asmdef files (just search for them in your project).
Probably delete that Timeline module folder too.
Then import those again from the Spine-Unity unitypackage.

We've tested the latest unitypackage against 5.6 and the 2018 cycle and it should work fine.

Hi and thanks for a quick reply. Yeah, I am using Spine v3.7.19 at the moment. I did as you recommended. Got several errors looking much like this:

Assets/Scripts/EchoPlatformerController.cs(38,41): error CS0246: The type or namespace name BasicPlatformerController' could not be found. Are you missingSpine.Unity.Examples' using directive?


Assets/Scripts/Intro.cs(9,12): error CS0246: The type or namespace name ConstrainedCamera' could not be found. Are you missingSpine.Unity.Examples' using directive?

In BasicPlatformerController.cs I found those lines:

using UnityEngine;
using Spine.Unity;

namespace Spine.Unity.Examples {

public class BasicPlatformerController : MonoBehaviour {

In ConstrainedCamera.cs I found those:

using UnityEngine;

namespace Spine.Unity.Examples {
public class ConstrainedCamera : MonoBehaviour {

Maybe this is basic knowledge, I am not a programmer, but trying to learn(:
